Posts Tagged ‘Taj’

Taj: The Spiritual Giant

January 9, 2011

Taj is our little guy who seems to be extra sensitive to spiritual matters. He gives loooong, meaningful prayers. He loves to answer questions at church with detailed explanations. He loves telling scripture stories and does well relating them to his life. He’s just a really special boy. On Saturday we had an activity at the church. They had the 7 year olds who are turning 8 this year meet in a room so they could talk to them more about baptism. One of the teachers was passing out booklets about baptism. On the front of the booklet there was a picture of a birthday cake. The teacher made a comment something along the lines of, “Everybody loves birthday cake! It’s the best gift ever!” Now, I wasn’t in the room because Livie was having a meltdown, but when I returned a mom told me that Taj raised his hand and said,

“Um, actually, the best gift ever was Jesus Christ.”

I was proud, impressed and POSITIVE he gets that  from his dad. 🙂

Taj makes me smile

April 19, 2010

The other nite Sei was doing push ups.  I was, of course, watching his hot bod. haha Anyway, I told Taj, “You know, Daddy doesn’t push his body up, he pushes the earth down”  I didn’t think too much about it after that.

Fast forward to tonite…

Sei was doing push ups in the bedroom and Taj told him, “Hey, did you know that you’re pushing the earth down?” Sei started laughing and Taj got really upset.