Some goods…

Today I received a Christmas card from none other than… NKOTB. Yes, Danny, Donnie, Jon, Jordan and Joe love me. 😉 It’s appropriate they sent me this since I am getting concert tickets from my man for their NKOTB + Backstreet Boys tour (NKOTBSB). I am takin’ a road trip (Holla Stacy and Nancy!) to Houston to see them since, once again, they are coming to Dallas on a Sunday. I don’t do concerts (or much of anything else) on Sunday. Every time I have seen them I have traveled to do so because they have come here on a Sunday (Oklahoma City and Kansas City– shout out Sara!!). So, yeah… I’m famous.

We are tight like that...

We are tight like that...

Isabel did a powerpoint presentation for a class about herself. One the part about “THE PEOPLE I ADMIRE” she wrote:

The people I admire the most are my parents! They do EVERYTHING for me. They are the best. My parents have 5 and sometimes 7 kids. The reason I said 5 to 7 is because my 2 step sisters live in Canada, and they visit sometimes. My parents treat us all equally they love us all equally! Even though we can be a handful sometimes, but they can handle us! They are the people I admire most.

Awwwwww!!! And she had pics of me and her and her and Sei. 🙂

The other part I loved was from MY FAMILY:

My family is AMAZING!!!!!! My family has 9 people in it and that is a lot. My family from youngest to oldest and age is……. Livie or Liv is 4 almost 5, Taj is 7, Isabel aka MEEE is 11, Karlea is 12, Kelsea is 12, Alec is 14, Tristan is 15, Tori aka MOM, and then Seiuli aka DAD! My family is the best in the whole entire world! I LOVE THEM ALL!!!

It made me feel awesome. I thought it was cute she put Karlea as younger than Kelsea. They are 18 minutes apart. haha

Seiuli is nominated for the 2nd quarter in a row for OFFICER OF THE QUARTER.  In the letter the chief wrote to him these are of few of the things that supervisors and/or peers made the following comments about him:

  • “He has been an outstanding influence on our shift.”
  • “He comes to work every day with a great attitude, and his reports and investigations are accurate and detailed.”
  • “His ability to translate Spanish has proven invaluable.”
  • “He also has made tremendous impact on our DWI enforcement. Again he will either take the lead on these investigations or assist in providing translation.”
  • “He has a true passion for his job, and is a leader among our people.”

There was more, but you get the jist… He is awesome. I am proud of him. And I sleep with him. Just sayin’…

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8 Responses to “Some goods…”

  1. Nancy Says:

    Love this post!!!! Because I’m mentioned!!! WOOT! WOOT!

  2. Tonya Horlacher Says:

    Loved this post!!! Isabel’s words were beautiful!!! I admire her parents as well. And Sei is amazing at everything he does. Great words from his supervisor. He deserves it. He’s happy all of the time is credit to you, Tori!!! You two are a great team. Love you

  3. yvonne Says:

    Wow–you are famous ; ) (And, I’m not surprised)

    Way to go, Isabel. Save that note, tori–although I’m sure you will.

    Congratuations to Sei.
    .-= yvonne´s last blog ..The Wedding =-.

  4. Nancy Face Says:

    I was going to take Lauren to see that concert for her birthday, but she decided she’ll be frugal and practical and stuff, and just have me get something for the house they’re trying to buy on short sale.

    Great job Isabel and Sei!
    .-= Nancy Face´s last blog ..What did Nancy Face love about November =-.

  5. Stacy Says:

    YAY for a post that reminds of us of the important things. 🙂
    BOO for you getting a card from NKOTB. You know I’m j/k….I’m just jealous.

  6. Not So Average Mama Says:

    Awww sounds like you have a lot of good stuff going on. Send some my way ok, cause right now SUCKS! 😦
    .-= Not So Average Mama´s last blog ..A Blamtastic Stocking Stuffer! =-.

  7. Nobody Says:

    I love Isabel’s report! She kind of sounds like you, how she loves her family so much.

    9 is a lot of people.

    Yay Sei! None of that surprises me. I did laugh that DWI and translation needed were kind of assumed in the comment. Is that bad? Yes, yes it is.

  8. Kimberly Says:

    I love this Tori!!! Love NKOTB…I don’t do concerts on Sundays either b/c my body can’t handle the Monday morning aftermath. A bit different reason from yours, but another thing we have in common. As for your husband, I just wanted to say this. I do have interactions with the agency and officers that he works with. When I have been waiting in a “witness room,” not allowed to talk about the trial we are all about to testify about, well, you (well, your husband actually) have to come up with some sort of conversation. 😉 Our conversations usually revolve around who’s in what gang and who’s momma is sleeping with all the boys in town, BUT, one day I did ask some of your husband’s fellow officers about him. They had nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for him. I just thought you should know (and your husband too), that his fellow officers think very highly of him. Not just for his work on the streets, but for the fact that he is a man who truly loves his family. I hope you and yours have a wonderful time celebrating Christ’s birth, AND reading an old post of yours, I pray that this year Christmas and January 1, 2011 is a time of healing for you. You will definitely be in my prayers.
    Take care and Merry CHRISTmas!!!
    P.S. Don’t forget Jesus’ Birthday Cake. 🙂

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